About Us

Al-Anon’s and Alateen’s stated purpose is to help relatives and friends of alcoholics.

In Al-Anon Family Groups (AFG) and Alateen, members share their own experience, strength, and hope with each other — what has personally helped them to recover. It helps knowing there are others who have been through this, too, and we help and comfort each other by connecting and sharing our common issues.

Alateen is a special group for teens, who come together to learn to deal with the unique problems that children face when a family member drinks.

The Al-Anon organization has published books, workbooks, pamphlets, bookmarks and posters to aid members in recovery. Our district bookstore makes this Conference Approved Literature more readily available to District 5 and surrounding areas. The addition of this online literature store is to increase accessibility to materials, convenience in ordering them, and continuing support for the work of Al-Anon.

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